Hilariously Awkward Things NOT to Say to Someone with a Broken Ankle

While I was bed ridden, I was fortunate to have my family and close friends around me. But, there were always the unexpected visitors who would drop by, leaving a trail of hilariously awkward statements in their wake.

During such times, you become a magnet for amusing encounters and well-intended but utterly bizarre comments from your well-meaning friends and family. I appreciate everyone’s warmth and company. But I needed to include this in my blog. Afterall, when someone has broken their ankle, it’s essential to be supportive and considerate in your interactions with them.

Here are some things you should avoid saying to someone who has broken their ankle.

“I know exactly how you feel.” Unless you’ve experienced a similar injury, it’s best not to assume you understand their pain and discomfort fully.

“You’re so lucky you get to take a break from work and catch up on Netflix.” Seriously now. While it may be true that they need time to rest, implying they are lucky to have the injury can be insensitive and dismissive of their pain.

Oh wow. You need a prayer/puja or something to change your luck. Uggh. They’re already feeling low about their situation. Even if you mean well… A big no.

Instead, here are some supportive and helpful things you can say:

“I’m sorry to hear about your injury. How can I help you during this time?”

“Take all the time you need to rest and heal; we’ll manage things for you.”

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here for you.”

“Would you like me to run errands for you?”

“Let me know if you want some distraction, like watching movies or having a chat.”

“You’re doing great, and I admire your strength during this challenging time.”

While we mean well, sometimes our attempts at comforting or humor can be a tad misguided when someone has an injury. So, tread lightly and mind your words.

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